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Scepticism and Justification Conference
Scepticism and Justification
Scuola Superiore Studi Umanistici
COGITO Research Centre in Philosophy
under the auspices of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA)
Bologna December 17-18 2010
Scuola Superiore Studi Umanistici
Via Marsala 26
In recent years the traditional issue of external world scepticism has regained center stage in contemporary debates in philosophy. This new interest has been fostered mostly by the realisation that the way we think of our perceptual experiences and of their justificatory relation with respect to our beliefs about objects in our surroundings has an important bearing on our understanding of scepticism and on how best to respond to it. The conference will, accordingly, focus on the nature of empirical justification, external world scepticism and their interrelation.
- Annalisa Coliva (Modena&Reggio Emilia)
- Pascal Engel (Geneve)
- Alan Millar (Stirling)
- Jim Pryor (NYU)
- Gianfranco Soldati (Fribourg)
- Ernest Sosa (Rutgers)
- Ralph Wedgwood (Oxford)
Conference Schedule
Attendance: free, but please register here
Scuola Superiore degli Studi Umanistici (University of Bologna), via Marsala 26, Bologna
Invited speakers are hosted in the Bologna University guesthouse "Collegio Erasmus" in via de' Chiari, 8 (see map )
Attendees can either ask for accomodation in the University Guesthouse (single room 45 euros per night, see below under "Contact") or try some accomodation in the historical centre nearby the conference venue (for a list see here).
sebastiano.moruzzi at
Organisational support of the conference is provided by Scuola Superiore Studi Umanistici. The event is part of a research project that has funded research fellowship with a grant of Scuola Superiore Studi Umanistici and Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane di Firenze.