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Giorgio Volpe's blog
No Epistemology Seminar on 8th July
Please note that the meeting of the Epistemology seminar scheduled for 8 July has been canceled. Meetings will resume after Summer.
The Selected Writings of Eva Picardi
E' stata pubblicata da Bloomsbury per la cura di Annalisa Coliva un'ampia e rappresentativa raccolta di scritti di Eva Picardi (1948-2017).
Figura di spicco della filosofia analitica italiana contemporanea, Eva Picardi ha insegnato per quattro decenni all'Università di Bologna ed è stata fra i fondatori di Cogito, influenzando profondamente, con la sua intelligenza e umanità, molti degli studiosi che collaborano col centro di ricerca.
About The Selected Writings of Eva Picardi
No Epistemology Seminar on 17th March
Please note that the meetings of the Epistemology seminar scheduled for 17th and 31st March have been canceled, as many people who usually take part in it would be unable to attend. Meetings will resume after Easter.
No Epistemology Seminar on 3rd March
Please note that the 3rd March meeting of the Epistemology seminar has been canceled, as many people who usually take part in it would be unable to attend. Meetings will resume regularly on 17th March.
Propositional and doxastic justification
I have tried to clarify to myself why I was attracted by Turri's reversal of the standard view of the relationship between propositional and doxastic justification and I have jotted down a few tentative remarks on the issue.
(See the attachment below.)